After you stay at Wiki Hostel we will miss you! We want to ensure you travel continues at the best so with this post we share with our guests and friends some useful suggestions to explore the South of Italy!
For our travellers and friends going to the south of Italy, we love it! South of italy represents the very heart of Italy with warm welcoming people, huge food, low rates. Here we got most of the roots of our country: food, music, culture, historical sites… and most of all sun and see! Do not miss to visit the south of Italy a must-do journey we recommend especially in the good season.
Where to go?
Naples of course so to visit this incredible city “the capital of the south” and also the nearby historical sites (Pompei, Reggia di Caserta), destinations as Costiera Amalfitana or the beautiful island of the neapolitan gulf: Capri, Ischia, Procida. Puglia: the heel of Italy with the ancient Lecce, the charming unique towns as Alberobello or Ostuni, most of all the rocky or sandy seashore, the vibes of Salento! Just nearby Puglia there is a small region called Basilicata, if you are able to reach it do not miss the jewel town called Matera with its ancient “Sassi” (stones) the local word to call the caves into the rock the were used for long times as home by the local people. Sicily: the great island once upon a time homes of greeks and romans than, if you heard about Sicily as Mafia forget it and be ready to an incredible journey into a great island with a great colture and history and a really welcoming population. Do not miss to visit the city of Catania and Palermo, and discover world famous historical sites as the charming Taormina, the Valle dei Templi at Agrigento, have a walk to Etna (the bigger vulcano of Europe!) enjoy a large variety of beaches everywhere and top famous beaches as San Vito Lo Capo or Lampedusa and Lipari’s islands. Finally Sardinia (Sardegna) a beautiful charming and wild major island so proud of its culture, you would not think to be in Italy!
How to go from Rome?
Naples is located at less than 2 hours by train from Roma Termini or 2 hours and half by car on Highway A1. The neapolitan gulf Islands are reachable by boat from the harbour of Naples (or Pozzuoli), you can reach any island in less than 2 hours on ferry boat or less than 1 hour with hydrofoil boat. By train or flight from Rome, or by car (about 6 hour driving), Puglia is very large and most of the regione is featured by countryside and small towns so if you do not have your own, we strongly recommend to rent a car to enjoy your journey at the best. To Sicily: by boat from the Ports of Rome (Civitavecchia) and Naples, by flight or train… car is not recommended as we still got an infamous highway called “Napoli – Reggio Calabria” featured by neverless maintenance works. You will not need any car in Sicily if you are just staying into the big cities, otherwise rent a car to enjoy the island. To Sardinia: by boat from Civitavecchia Port of Rome or by flight, than rent a car and start to explore!
When to go?
Remember as italians schools got holidays on July and August, the best months to live the sea cost avoiding the crowds they are: from April to June, from the past 2 weeks of August to Septmber (or October weather permitting). If you can avoid the sea on July and the first 2 weeks of August, every seaside destination is too crowd and in many cases too expensive, visit the art-city instead!
What to dress?
Italy’s weather is changing and getting crazy in the past years, in any case on spring (from end of March till May) ant autumn (from end of Septmeber to October) should be warm on sunny days and still cold after sunset. June as the second half of August it is usually warm and July and the first half of August it is usually really hot. Consider that most of time, even on hot weather, after sunset the air can be very chilly, so we suggest summer clothes plus some rain wears and a couple of warm clothes and a jacket you can use in case of heavy reain, windy days or chilly nights.
What to eat?
At Campania and Naples area do not miss: pizzas and most of all the queen of all Pizza the “Regina Margherita“, the most fresh Buffalo Mozzarella you never tasted, the “Casatiello”, the “Friariellis” (grilled peppers) and the “Babà” or “Sfogliatella” for dessert! At Puglia the “Orecchiette” fresh pasta with “cime di rapa” (turnip tops), the “Focaccia Pugliese” (a kind of bread pizza topped with tomatoes and veggies). At Sicily fish Cous Cous alla siciliana (a delicious memory of the Arab invasion ot the island), the famous “Arancini” (delicious fried rice topped with a variety of sauces) and the incredible “Cannoli siciliani” (with fresh ricotta cheese!) or the “cassata”. At Sardinia the famous “Fregola” and “Porceddu sardu” the famous roasted pork. And a lot of fresh mediterrean fish and seafoos everywhere 😉
Where to stay?
We got recommendations! We recommend friendly hostels as the following. Naples and nearby: Hostel of Sun at Naples, Ring Hostel at Forio d’Ischia. Sicily: Ostello degli Elefanti (Elephants Hostel) at Catania, A Casa di Amici Hostel at Palermo, San Vito Hostel at San Vito Lo Capo… find out more, visit our Network page:
our Ischia’s favourites 😉
stay in the sunniest, most mediterrean part of the Island, at FORIO, PANZA or SANT’ANGELO!
Forio: Ring Hostel
Panza: Villa Rita or Saint Leonard (nearby each other!)
do no miss to visit…
swim at sorgeto bay with its amazing free hot spring water at the sea!
pay attention is boiling waiter… use the small bridges to avoid any bruning! and do not miss to create your own pool mixing hot spring and sea water, look for your ideal degree! A lot of steps here… when hot is beautiful to go by sunset!!!
discover the charming village of sant’angelo
hike the panoramic walk from sant’angelo to maronti beach… and maronti beach of course!
the climbing to epomeo mount
have a refreshing energizing fresh lemonade at the biginning of the hike! (ask for it at the restaurant/bar you meet at the beginning of the natural park and hiking area for epomeo);
got a WOW view from the very top rock of the mount!!! 360 degree on naples gulf, capri, ponza, ventotene and all Ischia’s island!
taste a bruchetta with pomodoro, gelato or meail at the incredible restaurant in the rock located at the top of the mount
sip a spritz and enjoy an amazing sunset
at the beach clubs located at Citara Beach (between Forio and Panza)
Enjoy some of the hot springs thermal park as…
Poseidon at Citara Beach – Forio… our favourite! ever! the best quality between offer and rate!! amazing sunset ensured here!!! so big and so many pools and realzing area… plus a natural sauna in a rock!
Aprodite Apollon Thermal at Maronti Beach – Sant’Angelo … older style, good location, good rates!
…and if you still got time, consider a day trip to the town of Ischia and visit the Aragona’s Castle!
it is at Ischia… for us a little be too “town” to be the place to stay but it is the “capital” town of the island, with nightlife, a lot of restaurants and an amazing castle!
We hope you are able to enjoy our tips! And also we hope to have you back here at Wiki Hostel, our big family can’t wait to have you back as our guest and friend so to share our #wikiexperience!
a big Ciao from all of us, Ulia, Luca and the Wiki Hostel Family crew