Once upon a time, even more than 2k years ago…. Ferragosto was invented!!! Whaaaat? You don’t know what are we talking about??? Ferragosto is the best summer party, and we’ll explain you why! Let’s quickly go back through the ages, ’till when the emperor of Rome was Augusto: here we are, exactly when this festivity was launched to celebrate the end of the hard farming season! Many centuries passed by, but we still take it as the most fun loving days of the whole summer.
This is the moment when nobody stay at home: excursions, day trips, bbq even in parks… every solution is good, except to do nothing!!! So if you hadn’t plan your Ferragosto 2019 yet, it’s definitely time to do it! Here we provide you few suggestions, hoping to celebrate with you one of our favourite italian festivities!

1) Ferragosto is the 15th of August, and it’s unuseful to say that THIS is the day you cannot miss. However, it’s important to know that italian people always love to transform a one-day celebration in a full week party 😉

2) Basically, the celebrations are made with few ingredients: a barbecue, lots of drinks, a party on any body of water (beaches, rivers, lakes, pools…). What more you need??!

3) The goal of the day is to forgot every worries and chill with old and new friends, enjoying the pleasure of food and wine, beer, amari… This is the PERFECT moment to enjoy the life!
You know guys, every excuse to stay together and shares good moments / good food / good wine, we are first in line! This year we prepared a huge surprise for you: all the WikiExperiences we usually offers will be empowered thanks to our friends Dj Red and Aurora, joining us not just for the 15th of august but for ten full days! Yes, you got it: T E N D A Y S!!!
Here below, you can find the full plan of events day by day, but let us introduce a little this lovely couple of artists:
He is a dj. An old school one. One of that person that can tell you all the rumors of the italian underground production. Born in the 90s’, when the love for the hip hop culture brought him to get closer to the music, the vynils, the digital production …and the break dance!! Since that moment, he never stopped to be inside up to the neck in the underground movement, playing music in the best hiphop parties of that times, bringing his funk vynils in the whole Milano, being the soundtrack of many break dancers.. His mixtapes has been part of the history in the Milanese scene 😉

She got rythm in her blood. Born at the end of the ‘80, Aurora is the kind of person that can dance every kind of music. Her passion brought here to become a teacher, and since years she is dedicated to spread her competence to everyone possible. She teaches: classic dance basic and advanced level, even to the gymnasts, modern dance to the teens, game&dance to the kids, latin american dances, caribbean rythms, freestyle dance, free body and aerobic gymnastic…. She gots the kind of curriculum that’s to long to recap, she also teached dance for competitive skaters!
You’ll now think they’re coming to offers you a show…. You’re wrong!!
As some of you already know, we have a weakness (or strenght!!!): we love to involve people! Social activities are part of Wiki’s DNA, so during this ten days you will find plenty of lab and classes: we’ll bring the ingredients, you’ll make the party! You can learn to mix music, to dance salsa, bachata, merengue, everything seasoned with aquagym, pilates, stretching sessons… and -icing on the cake!!!- special parties will be set up for the Ferragosto celebration, but (excuse us 😉 it’s not yet time for spoiler!

WED. 7.08.2019
THU. 8.08.2019

After our delicious Farmer Dinner with our KM0 productions by Pantasema, we start our summer parties giving the best welcome to Red and Aurora: from 10PM we turn the music on and the Dj class will start. So if you wanna be a dj, this is your moment: Dj Red will teach you how to use the consolle and will give you the best tips to mix your favorite music!

Let’s start to get in touch with Aurora! You maybe spent your day walking up and down thru Rome for hours, or you’ll be back from our Farmer for a day experience: you got the chance to relax and recover your energy during the Aqua Gym lesson!!! Sauna will be open for free, and Dj Red will delight us with funky & house groove… our fresh pool is waiting you from 7.30PM!!
FRI. 9.08.2019
SAT. 10.08.2019

It’s friday and we start to play hard! In the morning our must to: the Wine Tour! Then just before to start eating Pizza as if there were no tomorrow, at 6PM starts our Eco WorkOut: nothing but the environment of Wiki will be our outdoor gym, helping you to get fit with our Pilates & social excercises… at least to be ready for the Karaoke that will close this crazy day!

Yes, we are the kind of person affected by the Saturday night fever. We will prepare the party with an unmissable class of Salsa & Bachata with Aurora!!! You will learn the base of the most popular latin dances, so you can shine in the middle of the dance floor this summer… or at least have a lot of fun at the Toga Party with Dj Red and in consolle!!
SUN. 11.08.2019
SUN. 11.08.2019

We bet you’ll love this sunday afternoon: Red & Aurora will make their best to share with you all their competence in dancing and Dj! This lab is something you won’t find anywhere else because they invented it! When the body learn how to read the music… this is when you get able to break out all your power!!! No more spoiler about this lab, just join it! We wait you at 6PM

Grilling food at sunset with the pool on your side and fresh drinks in your hand… is still not perfect enough! Dj Red come from the hottest dancehall of Milano and we are sure he will be able to burn the atmosphere with dancehall rhytm that you could not resist! Just the perfect way to digest all the food that our lazy sunday reserve to you 🙂
MON. 12.08.2019
TUE. 13.08.2019

You probably know “Bella Ciao” because recently the web series “La Casa de Papel” make it a worldwide succes. But you have to know that this is a very important song in the italian history, connected to the partizans kicking fascists away from Italy. After the PastaParty, we invite you to enter our dance floor, where the italian music selection of dj Red promise to make you remember this night!

Sorry, we don’t have any hot air baloon, but the best we can do is to make you visit the world thanks to its sonorities. After our Babel Cafè, we’d like to continue our virtual travel going around the world in 80 vynils, with Dj Red in consolle and Aurora in the middle of the dancefloor… let’s learn together the music and the dances of other cultures! We wait you from 10PM 😉
WED. 14.08.2019
WED. 14.08.2019

This show is something you cannot miss: it’s a special dedication to the great Ray Charles made by our favourite dj and our favourite dancer!!! Just after our social dinner, a cool way to warm up before the party!! Do not miss it!

This night dj Red will delight us with a selection of black music!!! This is not jus a word game because of the dj and the music genre, but also a way to support the people rescuing migrants in the Mediterraneo: the dress code will be the color red because mothers put a red shirt on their sons before to cross the see. This is the most visible color in the middle of the deep blue of the see. Get ready to dance old school!
THU. 15.08.2019
FRI. 16.08.2019

We got something special for you today, ’cause it’s Ferragosto! Backward party means that the party will start as soon as you’ll wake up, with a strong salty breakfast, a pool party, some drinks includeed, the grill on with fish skewers, some italian pasta and other specialities to arrive to the night, relax with sauna and aqua gym and finally get ready for breakfast and then go to sleep!! Enjoy!

It’s friday and we start to play hard! In the morning our must to: the Wine Tour! Then just before to start eating Pizza as if there were no tomorrow, at 6PM starts our Eco WorkOut: nothing but the environment of Wiki will be our outdoor gym, helping you to get fit with our Pilates & social excercises… at least to be ready for the Karaoke that will close this crazy day!
SAT. 17.08.2019
SUN. 18.08.2019

Yes, we are the kind of person affected by the Saturday night fever. We will prepare the party with an unmissable class of Salsa & Bachata with Aurora!!! You will learn the base of the most popular latin dances, so you can shine in the middle of the dance floor this summer… or at least have a lot of fun at the Toga Party with Dj Red and in consolle!!

Say CIAO to Aurora & Dj Red, they have to go back home… but don’t worry: Dj Alonso is coming!!!