Don’t worry if you miss the #Ferragosto2019 week because the Summer at Wiki reserves for you many other surprises. We sadly had to say ciao to our friend Dj Red but Dj Halo is arriving soon, and our favourite dancer & teacher Aurora extended her stay (yes, as many of you before, she did pronunciate the fateful words “Can I have one night more??”!!)
Let us introduce you what’s going on at Wiki Hostel in the next!
The end of august always bring some sadness: the days start to get shorter, the holidays are finishing, and for the most of the people the yearly routine is up to come again. Not for us, and if you are wandering the world keep this suggestion in your mind while planning your next stops: after the 15th of august everything get better! No more three-hours-lines to enter any museum, no more people trying to sell you water everywhere (“Water! Water! Wateeeer!“)… the heat give us a break, the crowd decrease reasonably, and the best part is that the sun still resist to the advance of the fall: this is what we call “Ottobrata Romana”.
So if you are searching a way to make your summer longer… our green oasis is the perfect place, our pool will refresh your days, and, overall, the events this guys prepared for you will make your summer even cooler 😉
The past week was dope!!! A crazy toga party, some social fitness, many glasses of good wine, and good vibes spreading all around Wiki… A huge thank you goes to Dj Red & Aurora that shared with us the DD Project and lot of their djing & dancing skills! Dj Popsicle has improvised a dj showcase on saturday night, and we discovered also many future dancers during the salsa & bachata dancing classes… And what to say about the aqua gym lessons?? If you don’t try you’ll never realize how fun it is 😉 But let the images speak for us, to give you an idea of what’s waiting you in these days!

Alonso Portal, was born in Lima (Perù), and moved to Milano when he was just a teen. He get soon passionate about raggae music, but he never forgot his roots: he got the rhythm in his veins, and in a matter of years he became dj Halo. He first founded a crew called Bomb Droppers, mixing his music in the area of Milan and it’s surroundings, playing in the most underground scene of the reggae dancehall yards! He is now part of the Dancehall Rebelz project, and he will make your body shake like you got fever!! Ah, we’re almost forgotting to tell you that Halo is also a good chef, and will delight our palates with a peruvian dinner followed by his latin dj set!!!

She got rythm in her blood. Born at the end of the ‘80, Aurora is the kind of person that can dance every kind of music. Her passion brought here to become a teacher, and since years she is dedicated to spread her competence to everyone possible. She teaches: classic dance basic and advanced level, even to the gymnasts, modern dance to the teens, game&dance to the kids, latin americandances, caribbean rythms, freestyle dance, free body and aerobic gymnastic…. She gots the kind of curriculum that’s to long to recap, she also teached dance for competitive skaters!
SUNDAY 18.08.19

SUNDAY 18.08.19

MONDAY 19.08.19

TUESDAY 20.08.19

WEDNESDAY 21.08.19

WEDNESDAY 21.08.19

THURSDAY 19.08.19

THURSDAY 19.08.19

FRIDAY 23.08.19

FRIDAY 23.08.19

SATURDAY 24.08.19

SATURDAY 24.08.19